
Best Health Diagnostic Laboratory in Torrance USA

Biohealth Laboratory is a full-service health laboratory in the USA . The lab has performed over a million tests, all the while providing simple and effective clinical solutions, including many options for training. With the help of Biohealth lab advisors – all actively practicing clinicians – as well as our training partners, you’ll be able to choose lab tests appropriate to your patients, confidently interpret the results, and leverage valuable resources for guiding your patients to recovery. 

Respiratory Hydrogen Test - is the Standard for Diagnosis of SIBR

The hydrogen breath test is suitable for the diagnosis of carbohydrate intolerances and is carried out with different substances. If you suffer from diarrhea, flatulence, nausea or other uncharacteristic digestive problems, you may have such intolerance or bacterial colonization of the intestine. H2-breath tests are performed in special medical practices, for example in a specialist practice for gastroenterology. For the breath test, you drink in practice a certain sugar solution. Then you have to blow at fixed intervals into a small device that measures the concentration of molecular hydrogen (H2) in your breathing air. For the entire examination, you should plan for about three hours. Please note that you must not eat anything twelve hours before the test and does not smoke as well. You need to be sober on the morning of the exam - so you must not have eaten or drunk. H2-breath test with lactose: The H2-breath test with lactose serves as proof of lactose intoleranc

Put out the light! How to increase melatonin?

They say that darkness is a friend of the youth. But it turns out, it is more necessary for those who are not young. After all, at night, a substance is developed that protects against many age-related diseases. Our great-grandfathers lived in harmony with their biorhythms: they got up at dawn, went to bed, how it gets dark. And we, their descendants, rarely get into bed before midnight. And in vain! After all, from 00 to 4 am in the body occurs the peak production of an important hormone - melatonin. But, in order for it to be synthesized, we must sleep soundly as maximum content of melatonin reaches 2 hours after falling asleep. And do it in complete darkness. What harms the "sleep hormone"? It is important not only to provide the body with sources of melatonin, but also to protect itself from everything that prevents the development of this valuable substance. So beware:stress  frequent use of strong coffee, tea, cola (all caffeine-containing foods), it is   espec

Melatonin Saliva Test- Understanding all ins and outs

Melatonin is a hormone. Melatonin is delivered by the pineal organ and sends a flag to direct the rest wake cycle in the mind. Amusingly, melatonin is additionally created in the retina, the skin, and the GI tract, however this isn't the melatonin what influences your natural rest clock. Absence of Melatonin prompts restlessness amid the night. Also known as "Vampire Hormone," Melatonin is provided in mistiness and controlled by light. The levels of your melatonin increment amidst the night and fall by morning. Light introduction before bed pushes natural check in the wrong bearing. Medications for Melatonin are not considered as solutions and are sold in sustenance stores. A perfect time to take Melatonin tranquilize is thirty minutes previously sleep time. The melatonin saliva test is a salivary hormone test that examines the circadian discharge examples of melatonin. Utilizing a total light-dull cycle, this hormone test uncovers anomalous levels of melatonin th

Why And How To Test Your Hormone Levels

How To Test Hormones Imbalance Hormones are powerful chemicals/molecules that are the reason behind almost every healthy minute of a human’s life. Hormones are extremely important to maintain a person’s physical and mental health. It is a common belief that estrogen is the feminine hormone, while testosterone is the masculine hormone; however, both men and women produce both estrogen, testosterone and numerous other hormones. Imbalance in any one of these hormones can lead to aggravating and severe health issues and can go your physical and mental health go haywire. Although sometimes neglected, hormones are the building blocks of a person’s well-being.  It is a common and dangerous practice among inexperienced doctors to suggest that a certain hormone should be induced into the patient’s body to overcome a symptom without any testing. Required hormonal levels vary to person to person, and therefore testing prior taking any steps is extremely important. Ways to